Stanozolol (Winstrol) – Alleviates the Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Stanozolol is a well known anabolic steroid which was found to improve rheumatoid arthritis and even psoriasis in some people.[6]

The anabolic steroid stanozolol is highly popular between the athletes and bodybuilders where it is known under the name Winstrol. It is a synthetic C17 alpha-alkylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Despite the fact that it is not a popular drug in medicine the scientific studies show the positive effect of stanozolol when taken is appropriate amounts for rheumatoid arthritis.

*I have to say that I am not promoting stanozolol use for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. This is a synthetic anabolic steroid with many serious (side) effects like liver and kidney damage amongst the others. The purpose of this article is just to put together some information about stanozolol and describe the relation between this anabolic steroid, fibrin and low oxygenation of the body and some diseases that medicine considers as autoimmune.

Fibrin deposition in rheumatoid arthritis

Fibrinolytic effects of stanozolol are documented in many scientific studies.[3] One study concluded that fibrin generated inside the joint cavity may be the cause of synovial fibroblast (joint cell) activation what plays a role in rheumatoid arthritis.[5]

When we consider the fibrin deposition in joint as a cause (or at least worsening factor) of rheumatoid arthritis then we should try to fight off that fibrin formation and deposition to improve the symptoms of this chronic disease. That’s exactly what did the authors of one study and concluded that there is a marked fibrinolytic effect of stanozolol when taken 10 mg per day for 12 months.[6]

Fibrin strands in the blood.

The title of that study – “The effect of increasing fibrinolysis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a double blind study of stanozolol.” – speaks for itself. The authors decided to test the effect of dissolving the fibrin deposits with stanozolol in people with rheumatoid arthritis to find out how exactly does it affect the symptoms of their arthritis condition.Another supportive study confirmed that the fibrinolysis leads to alleviation of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. That study was published in 1986.[2]

The authors of the study built their research on the proven fact that fibrinolysis is decreased in people with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore they decided to try use the stanozolol as a fibrinolisys enhancing drug to treat the rheumatoid arthritis. Total of 40 patients were enrolled in the study – 20 patients received stanozolol 5 mg twice daily and the control group of another 20 patients received a placebo for 6 months.

After the six month period of the study 9 control patients decided to withdrawn because they felt like the drug was ineffective. However only two people from the stanozolol group decided to end because of feeling that the drug didn’t work for them.

However 5 patients from the control group said that their condition improved compared to 15 stanozolol group patients who said they feel better.

Activity of the disease significantly improved in treated group: ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate – fibrinogen in blood significantly affects this parameter), joint tenderness, duration of morning stiffness and pain.

  • plasminogen – precursor of plasmin (plasminogen is converted to plasmin by Plasminogen Activator)
  • thrombin – enzyme that causes fibrin formation
  • fibrinogen – glycoprotein that is converted to fibrin by thrombin
  • plasmin – enzyme degrading the fibrin

Another detailed study about the stanozolol and rheumatoid arthritis was published yet in 1984 what is 30 years back! However even today there is very little interest in medicine to help people with rheumatoid arthritis (and in my opinion also with many other autoimmune considered diseases including the psoriasis) using the drugs that improve the fibrinolyis or modulate the coagulation.[4] As I said above I am not supporting the fibrinolytic drugs as the best way but for those who take ciclosporin or biologic drugs may be less damaging to take something like warfarin (known as Coumadin) or heparin.

Anyway, the study investigated the fibrinolytic status in 56 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patients had plasma fibrinogen as well as plasminogen (precursor of plasmin) significantly elevated – so there is no doubt that fibrin or thick blood plays a role.

Those with severe rheumatoid arthritis had also significantly decreased plasminogen activator. Twelve patients were administered stanozolol as a fibrinolytic agent for 8 weeks to test the endothelial production of plasminogen activator. Stanozolol caused a significant increase of plasminogen and plasminogen activator in the blood.

Five patients were administered stanozolol for 2 weeks along with before and after joint aspiration (draining the sample of fluid from joint). After two weeks the joint plasminogen levels raised.

The authors of that study concluded that in rheumatoid arthritis fibrinolysis is decreased what may contribute to some symptoms of the disease. Stanozolol was proved as effective drug for stimulation of blood and joint fibrinolysis. They recommended that stanozolol should be investigated as a therapeutic agent in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).


I think that it is possible that stanozolol would work also for psoriatic arthritis since currently there is no definitive test that would be able to diagnose psoriatic arthritis and not misdiagnose the rheumatoid arthritis. That is maybe just because those two diagnoses are actually the one, what do you think?

One funny thing is that bodybuilders along with the anabolic steroids often use the ursodeoxycholic acid to protect their livers. Bodybuilders know for years and years that ursodeoxycholic acid protects and helps repair the liver but who knows why the medicine ignore that fact and many diseases are treated the way that cause yet worsening of the liver health and more damage to the body.

Sure drug companies won’t develop, promote and sell the drugs for repairing the liver (like bile acids – ursodeoxycholic acid) and removing the biofilms (enzymes – serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain, papain, pancreatin, etc…) to help the body in detoxification but at least that chronic disease management could be more effective and less destructive.

Stanozolol won’t cure anybody from rheumatoid arthritis because the cause of the disease is weak liver and infection (dental infection, SIBO, fungal infection, viral reactivation due to weaken immune system and toxicity – and that causes fibrin formation in the body) but for those people who want to take the drugs for their condition this is a possible alternative however still in allopathic medicine boundaries. But keep in mind that stanozolol is also dangerous as stated also in another scientific paper where the athlete abusing this anabolic steroid developed severe cholestasis and renal failure.[1] And there are many other scientific papers describing more negative effects of this steroid.



1 Response

  1. TylerDunn says:

    I have Psoriasis,rheumatoid arthritis joint pain hurt everywhere I would like to be test subject and test winstrol (sustanon) to help my problem if you can help me contact me

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