Monthly Archive: July 2016

Psoriasis and Acidic Blood: The Cause Is Deficiency of B vitamins

Lactic acidosis is often caused by biotin or thiamine deficiency. The role of B-vitamins is still underrated by most people including those with psoriasis. We have a huge promotion of magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, … but where are the B-complex vitamins? I think that generally the most important thing in healing of psoriasis is proper intake of B-vitamins. If you want to get all of the B-vitamins even those who are no longer considered as vitamins you should take brewer’s......

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Nervous System Starts and Stops the Inflammation Not Only In Psoriasis

Inflammation? Forget about the immune system… It is all about the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway! It is not the immune system what tells the immune cells what to do… It is actually impossible because immune cells are the part of the immune system so how could part of (something) immune system could tell itself what to do? Sure, immune cells cooperate and communicate but they must have and do have some “boss” – it is the nervous system. Nervous system controls......

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