Monthly Archive: August 2017

Psoriasis Is Caused By Bad Digestion

Bad digestion is probably the most common and significant cause of psoriasis. Gut health, stress and psoriasis all go hand in hand. Bad digestion leads to huge inflammation which creates the symptoms of psoriasis and other chronic health problems. We all know that stress can significantly impair the blood flow throughout the body. I published the blog posts and mostly video about this issue and how it relates to psoriasis before. Digestion, Stress and Psoriasis Adrenaline as a fight-or-flight hormone......

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Allergy and Diet: The Ultimate Cure For Psoriasis And Inflammation

Psoriasis can be considered to be a form of allergy because it was confirmed a lot of times in the past that psoriatics have increased antibodies to many different microbes and food proteins. In my opinion it is a big mistake that modern medicine still does not accept psoriasis as a form of allergy or hypersensitive response to “something” because that would make its treatment and cure much more easier and possible. The Best Diet For Psoriasis For years readers......

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