Monthly Archive: February 2018
I really mean it – a lot of vegans, fruitarians, raw foodists and other kinds of similar creatures have anxiety which they cope with by carefully watching what they eat. This is a form of OCD combined with anorexia which both belongs to anxiety type of disorders. I don’t know how did I end up following some people on Facebook but I really like it! So many manipulative, stupid and crazy wall posts coming from them… I really like how......
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Thiamin is a b-vitamin I already had one post about on this psoriasis blog in relation to acidic blood. This article will be specifically about the effects of thiamine on chronic inflammatory diseases like psoriasis. I always stress the importance of taking a B-complex when trying to heal psoriasis but there are some anecdotal data that high dose thiamine may be something what might help a lot of psoriatics. As you will learn further in this article thiamine is involved......
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