Monthly Archive: March 2018

Ibuprofen: Barney’s Formula For Psoriasis

Psoriasis can be significantly improved, cured, cleared up or put into a remission if you want with anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen. Psoriasis cause is all about the excessive inflammation and Ibuprofen is one of the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually it is a headache, tooth pain or achy back what makes you take a pill containing ibuprofen but the underlying causes – production of inflammatory mediators – are very similar in psoriasis as well. This blog post is not intended......

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Sinusitis, Pituitary Tumor and Psoriasis Caused By Fungal Infection

Whether you have psoriasis, sinusitis, pituitary tumor or unfortunately all of those this blog post may come very handy to you. This will be about the ignorance, low professional intelligence and poor researching and professional qualities of many doctors out there. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease which is impossible to cure according to very most doctors in the world. Yes, we all know that and this blog is about all but the different view on this complex disease. But......

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