Author: John

Psoriasis – Summary of Causes and Cures

Psoriasis cure for most patients is: Bile acids/salts supplement. Bile salts are the easiest way to clear up psoriasis! It is the most successful way ever documented in the history of the medical research! The success rate is almost the 80 % in 8 weeks. [1, 46, 80] Motto:It takes much less time to cure psoriasis than it took to develop it. Not just psoriasis: The tips in this article (even the bile acid/salt supplement alone) can dramatically improve or......

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Sauna Is an Easy Way How to Fast Calm Psoriasis

Everybody with really bad psoriasis should consider using the sauna. After you take sauna you could have a few next days when your psoriasis will be much better without itching, dark red colour and heavy scaling. Sauna is for you if you have no serious health issues like cardiovascular or breathing problems. This is definitely the area where you should NOT risk. Also always visit the sauna with at least one another person and be in the sauna just as......

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Zinc – Supplements for Psoriasis III

Why you should take zinc? – digestion, liver, immunity. Zinc is actually one of the most underrated supplements. Considering its vital function in many processes in the body just thinking about the deficiency of this extremely important mineral is frightening. Without zinc your body couldn’t live. However the three major functions that are linked to psoriasis are: digestion (assimilation of food, disinfection in the stomach), liver (detoxification, making proteins) and immunity (T-cells production and maturation in Thymus). Digestion Zinc plays......

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Do NOT Use High Dose Niacin (vitamin B3) If You Have Psoriasis

Benefits This vitamin or non-essential amino acid (since it is not really a vitamin) has helped many people with various health conditions. It supports many processes in the body. One of the less known information about Niacin is its supportive function in digestion. Actually vitamin B3 gives the energy to stomach cells responsible for making the hydrochloric acid. That particular effect of niacin could be responsible for many successes with treating the various illnesses. It is believed that using the......

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Betaine HCL – Supplements for Psoriasis II. – The Best Supplement for Many Psoriatics!

Every psoriatic who never tried this supplement should give it a try. The studies confirmed that many chronic illnesses are accompanied by the low stomach acid. Enough stomach acid is an extremely critical factor for overall health. Everything what you eat is not actually in your body until it goes through stomach (where the pathogens are meant to be killed by the stomach acid) and the nutrients are subsequently absorbed in the intestines. Ideally you stomach should have the pH......

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Psoriasis Causes: Just a Toxicity and Deficiency

… and deficiency causes the toxicity, toxicity causes the deficiency and again the deficiency causes the toxicity so psoriasis is just the toxicity (if you would like to be there just one cause). No matter if it’s scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, depression, diabetes or some other health condition. Every illness roots from these two causes. Although I am not sure that the plaques are there directly because it’s the way how the body tries to get rid......

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Why Forskolin Helps to Clear Up Psoriasis

There are many ways how forskolin can help with psoriasis but most if not all of them are connected to its ability to increase the cAMP levels. Forskolin Helps Repair the Neurons and Psoriasis Peripheral neuropathy and psoriasis have at least one thing in common – both are driven by malfunction in nervous system. So what should be the No. 1 priority? Appropriately functioning nervous system which requests the healthy and well build neurons. Forskolin is one of the powerful......

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Psoriasis Diet – Before and After Photos

My psoriasis started in early 2007 on the lower legs. It looked like acne for me since it progressed relatively slowly and I didn’t know what it was. It even didn’t bother me absolutely what it was. Sometime around September 2007 when I was suspecting it is psoriasis I tried some tea detoxification program, however it has absolutely no effect at all. That time I was thinking it is psoriasis since it got worse (the lesions on the legs got......

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