Author: John

Metformin Caused Psoriasis-like Eruptions, Alternative is Berberine

It is not unusual to develop diabetes or pre-diabetes along with psoriasis. Actually diabetes and pre-diabetes are just the terms used to name the increased blood sugar levels (usually treated with the drugs like metformin) resistant to endogenous (own – produced by the body) insulin. In my previous articles you can read more details about the cause of type 2 diabetes. But in short what is the cause? Endotoxins and inflammation, yes the same causes like those of psoriasis. It......

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Colostrum: The Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial Effects For Psoriasis

When mentioning colostrum most people think probably just about its immunoglobulin content and perhaps are afraid that it may not be the best supplement for psoriatics because psoriasis is considered to be an autoimmune condition and immune support would cause just more inflammation. The reasons why psoriasis can not be an autoimmune disease are stated in many of my blog posts so I won’t address this topic now. In this post I would like to focus more on anti-endotoxin effects......

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Cocaine: The Significance Of Drug Use In Development Of Psoriasis

If you have psoriasis and take cocaine you may ask yourself if it is important to mention that fact to your dermatologist. There are the obvious reasons why you may not want to share the information about your drug use with anybody including your doctor. Cocaine is an addictive drug which is illegal in most countries in the world. Besides many others it causes the heart problems including the fatal heart attacks. This article DOES NOT promote taking cocaine neither......

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Potentially Unsafe Legal Stimulants And Adaptogens Used By Psoriatics

A lot of people with chronic diseases including psoriasis are trying to find some magic supplement or drug which could at least improve their health. Some of them may become easily acutely unsafe and the others may cause long-term negative side effects which are not necessarily life-threatening. The next list is compiled according to my experiences what people are the most interested in. Keep in mind that EVERY substance in the world including the water has its lethal dose. Therefore......

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How High Cortisol Cause Psoriasis

Psoriasis sufferers are not the only who might benefit from reading this cortisol related article. Everybody who developed psoriasis or any other chronic health problem after a stressful period or event in his life might found following information very useful. This article about cortisol and psoriasis will be a little bit difficult to understand completely so you may want to read it twice but I think it is worthy to understand the ideas and evidence presented here in the next......

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Lymphatic System Congestion, Adrenal “Fatigue” and Liver in Psoriasis

Psoriasis is considered to be a very complex disease involving the lymphatic system congestion, adrenal fatigue and liver dysfunction. It all depends upon the perspective you want to look at these symptoms together named as psoriasis. Science has proved many times that chronic inflammatory diseases are caused by inflammation… Well, what else could cause inflammatory diseases, right? The drugs whether prescription or over-the-counter, both are relatively very effective for psoriasis and other chronic inflammatory diseases and they put those diseases......

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Milk Thistle Can Cure Psoriasis But It Is Very Estrogenic And May Cause Gynecomastia

There is a lot of liver supplements useful in psoriasis and one of the most promoted and recommended is Silymarin extracted from Milk Thistle seeds. The positive effects of the active ingredient(s) silymarin are well known and scientifically proved as being a potent antioxidant and effective especially in liver problems. Psoriasis is one of the health issues that can be markedly improved by silymarin but is it really worth to take Milk Thistle extract to help your liver? Most people......

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The Most Effective Supplements for Psoriasis You Might Want to Try

If you want to know the details why I consider these supplements as the most effective for psoriasis read the previous blog posts. Best Supplement Protocol for Psoriasis This is for those psoriatics who ask the answer “how to clear up psoriasis fast and easy?”. Some of the supplements below you probably tried already with some (un)success in order to clear up the psoriasis. This list of supplements is ordered by the importance of each supplement in supporting the pathways......

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