Author: John

Ginger for Psoriasis – Thinner Blood and Improved Insulin Resistance

Ginger is one of the best plants which can dramatically help us improve our health. It is able to act as an antioxidant, thins the blood, improves the insulin resistance which leads to less hypoglycemic episodes and that in turn leads to less adrenaline flowing through our blood. Less adrenaline = less anxiety and less depression which can appear after some time of having too much adrenaline produced in our bodies. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) overview It is not recommended to......

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Magnesium Is Not Depleted by Vitamin D3

Psoriasis in many cases can be dramatically improved by vitamin D3 supplements. Even though there are opponents claiming D3 supplementation depletes magnesium stores vitamin D3 definitely helped a lot of psoriatics! Overview vitamin D significantly increases the magnesium absorption even though less than calcium absorption vitamin D does not cause magnesium loss vitamin D increases the bone resorption (rebuilding of the bone) magnesium significantly reduces the damage to arteries caused by hypervitaminosis D vitamin D activation needs magnesium, but this......

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Make Own Antifungal Mix of Essential Oils

This article is just for informational purposes only. I DO NOT recommend to anybody to ingest the essential oils which are not intended and marketed by the producers for human consumption! The essential oils contain the fat soluble chemicals which are meant to be the plant’s defense against the pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi. That’s the reason why herbs and plants create those chemicals; plants do not have the immune systems to fight off the microbes so the only other......

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Hypoglycemia Causes Psoriasis, Night Sweating, Peeing, Insomnia and Anxiety

There are so many people with psoriasis complaining about night sweats and waking up to go to pee. And most of them are almost ultimately without any clue what causes it. When they go to see a doctor the answer they usually get is “anxiety due to psoriasis” and less common answers are infection, prostate problems or even possibly some cancer. The major problem with that answer is that anxiety does not cause night sweats. It is the hypoglycemia which......

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Adrenaline: The Effects of Alpha and Beta Adrenergic Receptors on Vasoconstriction and Blood Flow in Psoriasis

Adrenaline plays a big role in psoriasis – whether it is the adrenaline released due to emotional stress or adrenaline released due to hypoglycemic episodes. The levels of adrenaline are statistically higher in psoriatics than healthy people or people with some other skin diseases. There are two types of adrenaline receptors – Alpha and Beta receptors. The two specific types I want to talk about in this article are – Alpha adrenergic receptor (mostly Alpha-1) and Beta-2 adrenergic receptor. Alpha......

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Adrenal Fatigue Is Bacterial Infection

Do you have psoriasis? This post will be about it and why you should stop hunting the useless supplements and protocols for psoriasis and adrenal “fatigue” as well. Animal glandular tissue, hormone replacement therapies, infinite B12 injections, Rhodiola rosea, Siberian ginseng, licorice root, etc…. Don’t get me wrong some of those supplements are very helpful when used right but rarely completely resolve the underlying problem of psoriasis. They may work for some time and after that people usually just up......

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Hair Loss Causes in Psoriasis

* Featured Image source: Fox, George Henry (1886) Photographic illustrations of skin diseases (2nd ed.) If you experience hair loss with your scalp psoriasis there may be actually 4 different causes: 1. Hair loss is not directly caused by psoriasis 2. Hair loss directly caused by damaged hair follicles – caused by psoriasis 3. Hair loss is caused by some disease like alopecia areata 4. Psoriasis drugs cause hair loss 1. Hair loss is not directly caused by psoriasis In......

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Ringworm Causes Psoriasis and It Is Contagious

Eventually psoriasis is really the fungus! Yes, it is the fungal infection of the skin and it is contagious. I am not saying that it is just fungal infection – Autonomic Nervous System dysfunction plays major role but what causes the primary immune reaction or suspected vasoconstriction in the skin? Scaly plaques are full of bacteria no doubt about that but the primary cause of immune reaction and the reason why psoriasis plaque develop may be the same as in......

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