Tagged: psoriasis

Lymphatic System Congestion, Adrenal “Fatigue” and Liver in Psoriasis

Psoriasis is considered to be a very complex disease involving the lymphatic system congestion, adrenal fatigue and liver dysfunction. It all depends upon the perspective you want to look at these symptoms together named as psoriasis. Science has proved many times that chronic inflammatory diseases are caused by inflammation… Well, what else could cause inflammatory diseases, right? The drugs whether prescription or over-the-counter, both are relatively very effective for psoriasis and other chronic inflammatory diseases and they put those diseases......

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Psoriasis and Acidic Blood: The Cause Is Deficiency of B vitamins

Lactic acidosis is often caused by biotin or thiamine deficiency. The role of B-vitamins is still underrated by most people including those with psoriasis. We have a huge promotion of magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, … but where are the B-complex vitamins? I think that generally the most important thing in healing of psoriasis is proper intake of B-vitamins. If you want to get all of the B-vitamins even those who are no longer considered as vitamins you should take brewer’s......

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How Many of You Readers Are IDIOTS?

This is a serious question for you! I am not joking and really want you to reply in the comments. I put a lot of work into this blog – a lot more than you can imagine even though a lot less than I would want to. I am well aware already that most of you want everything for FREE! OK, do not pay for (perhaps good) information and spend a lot more time and money on useless supplements, books,......

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5 Facts Everybody Ignores About Psoriasis Cure

This post is about the 5 missing facts (almost) about psoriasis cause and cure which nobody cares about. Psoriasis Gurus without much knowledge I am not going to name calling anybody in this post but surely will give you the tips how to avoid the scammers and those who promote just general useless methods for improving the psoriasis. Some of them are maybe just not informed enough or what but the others are doing the slow steps in order to......

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Supplements are Better than Real Food

Keep in mind that even the vendors of the supplements made from real food have their interest in making money. Promoting usually very expensive supplements containing just a very little amount of vitamins when compared to “synthetic” vitamins is in their financial interest. There is a lot of producers of supplements on the market today so creating “just another” B-complex may not bring you so many customers as bringing something else what nobody ever heard of. Some “revolutionary” B-complex which......

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How to Dissolve Blood Clots and Thin the Blood Naturally

Most chronic diseases we cope with today are (in)directly caused by bad blood flow which is at least partially caused by hypercoagulation! Another factor in restricted blood flow is Autonomic Nervous System and adrenaline which constricts the blood vessels. Adrenaline also stimulates the platelet activation and aggregation. Thick blood is a well known factor in psoriasis among many other chronic diseases! Sadly, doctors consider thick blood caused by hypercoagulation as problem usually only in health crises which present with immediate......

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Inflammation Causes The Symptoms We Call Diseases

Yes, inflammation is what causes the symptoms and that is true even for psoriasis! And we may ask “what is the most common cause of inflammation?“. Well, it is the infection. People do not get it and do not want to believe it because it is so simple. Small intestine is inflamed or there is some kind of dental infection – those two are the ROOT causes in almost 100% of cases of chronic diseases. Down the stream after some......

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Dead sea and psoriasis

Dead Sea Vacation for Psoriasis May Cause High Cholesterol

This post is to show you how easy it is to get misdiagnosed on cholesterol blood tests due to increased intake of iodine. Whether you go on a vacation by the sea or supplement the iodine from the bottle the results may be exactly the same. You can read about the effects of iodine on cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaque formation in my previous post “Iodine dissolves atherosclerotic plaque thus increasing cholesterol levels”. So read this article while keeping this in......

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