Tagged: psoriasis

Inflammation Caused by Stealth Infection

Even though at this point I am sure that psoriasis is caused by hypercoagulation often caused by endotoxins leaking through the damaged small intestine to the blood, in this post I am going to explain this process in more interesting way. What is psoriasis or what accompanies the psoriasis? – Inflammation! And what is the point to trigger the inflammation? – Inflammation is something like an alarm to wake up the immune system to go to work. After the problem......

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Nicotine Cleared Up Psoriasis

Smoking but not necessarily nicotine intake is a well known risk factor for developing psoriasis. I am not saying that the chances of developing psoriasis are a lot higher in smokers but studies proved that in the end there is a higher chance.[2,3] Sure a lot of people who developed psoriasis don’t smoke and never did since as you will find out in the next lines it is more about the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dysfunction than about the toxins......

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Manganese May Clear Up Psoriasis

In July of 1922 The British Medical Journal published a short article by James Moore F.R.C.S.Edin who described the treatment of psoriasis with collosol manganese (colloidal manganese) injections. Moore’s article is about how he cleared up the psoriasis in 43 years old men that was plaguing him for 16 years with collosol manganese injections. He prescribed weekly injections of collosol manganese and patient completely cleared up after 13 intramuscular injections.[1] By that time Moore treated successfully already 35 patients with......

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Galantamine May Cure Psoriasis

Psoriasis can be cured in some people with galantamine what is an alkaloid obtained from snowdrop – Galanthus nivalis. Galantamine is a well known inhibitor of enzyme acetylcholinesterase that breaks down the acetylcholine molecule in the body. The reason why galantamine is successful in treatment of various health issues is because it does not just block the acetylcholinesterase enzyme but also modulate the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAchR) the way they become more sensitive to acetylcholine. There is some difference between......

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Live Blood Analysis For Psoriasis

The health or disease even though not so close as to say you have psoriasis can be seen under the microscope. However, the way that live blood analysis is performed and explained by the Live Blood Analysis (LBA) specialists is often misleading and wrong. I already wrote short summarizing comment about the Live Blood Analysis on Facebook: “Live blood analysis as performed by many is actually scam. However I believe that many of them who do Live Blood Analysis do......

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Mycotoxins In Psoriasis: Loss of Vitamins and Amino Acids

Mycotoxins can lead to psoriasis by many different biochemical pathways. In this post I will present to you the detrimental effects of mycotoxins on vitamin and amino acid status of the body. Candida albicans is one of the single most blamed pathogens by people for various health conditions. However it is surely not just about the Candida or the other fungi that grow in our bodies. Why is fungal infection bad in the first place? Because the toxins those microorganisms......

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Psoriasis Diet Plan Success Stories

Jeff Cured His Psoriasis The next lines are from Jeff who cured his psoriasis naturally. Thank you for your story!: If you are reading this blog, then I’m sure the disease of psoriasis affects you on an intimate level.  I don’t have to tell you that this disease has not only a physical component which can be seen, but also a mental and emotional aspect that adds an additional level of anguish to an already torturous condition. I suffered with......

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Selenium for Glutathione and Antiviral Effects

The first two words that come up to my mind when I hear selenium are: glutathione and antiviral. Exactly those two things I consider as major advantages when it comes to selenium supplementation not just in psoriasis. It is a well known fact that selenium and vitamin E are very important as antioxidants. Researchers proved that deficiency in any of those two nutrients results in increased viral pathogenicity and improper immune response. Selenium or vitamin E deficiencies can even cause......

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